Chinatown Tai Chi Center

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Past News Posts

Spring 2022
By Sifu Phyllis Calph
On May 13, 2022 at 16:48

If you had asked me a few months ago what I was most looking forward to my answer would have been "the end of this long, cold, unforgiving,  winter." But things change and we have even experienced some warm sunny weather this week.  Winter now seems a long way past.

We cannot always depend on the weather to bring us joy.  We also cannot expect others to make us happy.  What is it that keeps you going when life just seems so difficult?  For me having a positive outlook is essential.  And secondly getting good well-rounded exercise.

At Chinatown Tai Chi Center we offer a very full experience in Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Style) both empty hand and weapons forms.  We also teach Chi Kung.  

And because we have gained some students in the last years who come with their own martial training in other arts we have included some of that training in our curriculum as well.

Training should be fun and enjoyable as well as a good workout.