Chinatown Tai Chi Center

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Past News Posts

Year Of the Pig
By Sifu Phyllis Calph
On February 04, 2019 at 16:27
Chinese New Year in 2019 starts on Tuesday, February 5th and ends on January 24th, 2020. Conforming to the chinese horoscope , the year of the Pig 2019 comes right after the Year of the  Dog (2018) and before the year of the Metal Rat (2020)!


Year of the Pig 2019 : a year of fortune and luck!



By SiFu Phyllis Calph
On September 12, 2018 at 17:02
 Those lazy days of summer are mostly over.  The weather is changing and it feels energizing.  Back at Macalester  the students are excited about learning Tai Chi.  It reminds me of all of the reasons that I love practicing Tai Chi Chuan.  As a very young person tai chi helped build my stamina.  Because of my tai chi practice  I relaxed more and did not feel so stressed by my busy schedule.  Over the years tai chi has become the stable practice that helps work out the physically tough times.  It continues to relieve the stress too.  Why practice Tai Chi Chuan?  Well I will tell you, because it feels so good.

So the invitation is open.  Come and find out what practicing tai chi is all about.  Questions are welcome.



Practice, Practice, Practice and Patience - Practice and Patience makes Perfect


Happy Chinese New Year of the Dog
By Sifu Phyllis Calph
On March 08, 2018 at 15:38


If only I had a little more time I think I'd like to learn Tai Chi Chuan.  I hear that a lot. So I ask "why do you want to learn tai chi chuan?" Usually, the answer is  " I want to reduce the stress in my life" or  "improve my flexibility", I want to improve my balance and learn to meditate"  or " I just want to use tai chi for relaxation"  and some even say "improve my health and for self-defense".  I myself practice tai chi for all of these reasons and more.   There is one more reason that I practice tai chi chuan and that reason is because it is fun.  I really have fun and get great enjoyment from my tai chi practice. 

So the invitation is open.  Come and find out what practicing tai chi is all about.  Questions are welcome.



Practice, Practice, Practice and Patience - Practice and Patience makes Perfect







Happy Chinese New Year
By Sifu
On February 09, 2018 at 04:56

I think it is great that the characteristic word for the year of the dog is Action.  It seems like a perfect way to begin the new year, having a plan of Action.  And part of that plan is to be active.  Practicing tai chi chuan is a very good way to be active.  Join us at Chinatown Tai Chi Center to celebrate the Year of the Dog.
Lunar Yea of the Earth Dog
By Sifu
On January 22, 2018 at 16:07

I think it is great that the characteristic word for the year of the dog is Action.  It seems like a perfect way to begin the new year, having a plan of Action.  And part of that plan is to be active.  Practicing tai chi chuan is a very good way to be active.  Join us at Chinatown Tai Chi Center to celebrate the Year of the Dog.
 Chinese Horoscope 2018 – Lunar New Year of the Earth Dog 

According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2018 is the year of the Dog 🐶 and its characteristic word is ACTION! Chinese New Year in 2018 is on Friday, the 16th of February and ends on February 4, 2019.